A Child’s Plea

Ken H
2 min readJan 14, 2024
Photo by Manish Tak on Unsplash

Personally inspired by my Soul Bestie, Myriam Ben Salem🦋

From her beautiful plea of Love to children, all victims in Gaza,

White Kites flying above for them to see Angels,

To see Angels of Love, as they look toward the Heavens,

Recited in her Deep, Pure Heart of Pure Love,

Comes now an innocent child’s plea, an urgent anthem,

as humanity sees chaos, dire gloom,

I must write, must share…

concerning the elephant in the room…

My Kite, if it must be,

Must it be Special,

Must it be made of Hope,

Must it most Mightily Amplify our plea,

Transform Overdue to “Finally See”,

Those Silent in prolonged Witness,

Those Guilty of crimes most Monstrous,

We children, born just as You,

Lives and Love, so much Good to Do,

Replaced… be yesterday’s Bombs of SHAME,

Of Way Beyond Cruel,

with Days anew,

For we know the Right, the Must Do,



Ken H

Writer, poet, nature & music lover, Sporty Dad - Trying to sunset long tech career #1, Unleash Deep, Soulful, Heartfelt to the Page, travel! ken.gatech@gmail