A Recharging Path

Ken H
Nov 13, 2020

Among the many Choices in the Journey,

Some provided a magical Charge,

A Spark that fed more offerings,

The feel on Both sides was Special,

Even without witness, without certainty,

A Pay it Forward sense deeply Felt,

To Spread, to Uplift, Good was Dealt,

The Journey is Hard, many Falls,

In witness of so much, Empathy calls,

A free Choice is waiting in the Halls,

May it Grow Contagious, Break down Walls.


I heard it was World Kindness Day today,

Let’s choose well Every day.



Ken H

Writer, poet, nature & music lover, Sporty Dad - Trying to sunset long tech career #1, Unleash Deep, Soulful, Heartfelt to the Page, travel! ken.gatech@gmail